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To ensure the safety of our customers and staff, if you are experiencing any signs of symptoms relating to COVID-19, we respectfully ask you to delay your visit to our restaurant until you are symptom-free.


Many thanks for your understanding.

What have we done to ensure your safety?

Here at Nicolino'ss, both our staff and customers safety is our number one priority.


We have been constantly monitoring government guidelines to ensure a safe environment for both our staff and our guests. Our usual high hygiene standards have been strengthened and we have taken the following additional steps: -

  • Increased the frequency of cleaning, especially surfaces that are regularly touched by hand, such as table tops, drinks levers, keypads, grab-rails and door handles.

  • Hand sanitiser is available upon entry to the restaurant with further sanitisers located throughout the restaurant. 

  • Staff have been advised to keep their distance whilst taking orders and throughout service.

  • Staggering reservation times to minimise crowding at entry points, toilets and throughout the restaurant.

  • Staff will be dressed in an agreed and approved manner.

  • Staff will be washing hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and warm running water.

  • Respiratory hygiene promoted in our restaurant – coughing and/or sneezing into a tissue and disposing of it immediately or coughing and/or sneezing into the crook of the elbow followed by hand washing. We shall be displaying information throughout the workplace.

Nicolino'ss Italian Restaurant

34 North St, Emsworth PO10 7DG

Phone: 01243 379809

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©2022 by Nicolino'ss Italian Restaurant

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